Arlene Lopez Campus Advocacy Chair
Arlene is a 3L at Harvard Law School from Long Island, NY. She studied Political Science and Neuroscience at the Macaulay Honors College at CUNY Queens College where she earned her BA, and International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science where she earned her MSc. Before matriculating into Harvard, Arlene served her community working as a legislative aide to her local New York State Assemblymember. While at Harvard, Arlene has been involved in Student Government since 1L year, and currently serves as a 3L Representative and Student Affairs Co-Chair. Through the intersection of her roles in Student Government and now as Campus Advocacy Chair for the Harvard Animal Law Society, Arlene is excited to push HLS in a more plant-forward future through collaborative initiatives this year such as Plant-Positive Mondays and a Plant-Positive Food Festival.