May 17, 2023Animal Law & Policy ProgramReVista Launch: Animals!
A panel discussion from the ReVista launch of Animals is now live on YouTube featuring Visiting Fellow Macarena Montes Franceschini
Animals in Latin America and the Caribbean are everywhere, from stray dogs to endangered wildlife to innovative conservation projects.
ReVista, Harvard’s Review of Latin America, Winter 2023 issue took a panoramic view of animals in the region and its launch event included a panel discussion, now live on YouTube, including ALPP Visiting Fellow Macarena Montes Franceschini.
Montes spoke about her work on an amicus brief with Harvard Law School Professor Kristen Stilt and the Nonhuman Rights Project in the widely publicized case of a wooly monkey named Estrellita, which featured in the issue.
“This case caught the attention of the highest court in Ecuador, opening the door for a new path to argue for animal rights in this country and Latin America,” says Montes, whose full presentation begins at 00:04:17.
Montes fellow panelists at the launch were Erika Lucero Robles Cortés, Mesoamerican archaeologist; Diego F. Plaza Casanova, founder, and director of the Center for Animal Law Studies CEDA Chile; Marcia Condoy Truyenque, a Peruvian attorney in Animal Law advocacy.