August 19, 2021Animal Law & Policy ProgramCalifornia’s coming bacon crunch
“[They] had three years to change their housing systems. They instead chose to not comply,” says Chris Green of Harvard Law’s Animal Law & Policy Program.
Proposition 12, a law in California that passed in 2018 via a ballot measure, established minimum space requirements based on square feet for calves taken from their mothers to be used in the veal industry, pregnant pigs, and hens used for their eggs.
While the egg and veal industries met these new rules in 2020 (43 square feet, or 13 square meters, per calf raised for veal, one square foot per egg-laying hen), the pork industry may fail to meet the requirements for breeding pigs (24 square feet) by January 1st, 2022.
As our Executive Director told The Economist, “[They] had three years to change their housing systems. They instead chose to not comply.”
You can also learn more about Prop 12 in this recent Vox article.