February 01, 2021Animal Law & Policy ProgramThe Correctional Service of Canada’s problematic goat plans won’t help inmates
Animal Law & Policy Program alumna Amy Fitzgerald has published an in-depth review of the problems and opportunities facing the Correctional Service of Canada’s emerging prison farm program. Illustration by Jamie Neufeld.
Evolve Our Prison Farms has just released a new report, Canada’s proposed prison farm program: Why it won’t work and what would work better.
This report was written by former ALPP Fellow Dr. Amy Fitzgerald, a green criminologist and expert in the use of prison labour in animal agriculture industries, and by Dr. Amanda Wilson, a pioneer in transformative food justice, carceral food systems, and social innovation.
The report is available at https://evolveourprisonfarms.ca/prison-farm-report/. A companion piece is also featured on the Conversation Canada.