February 16, 2023 , U.S. Unprepared for Dangers Posed by Zoonotic Diseases, New Analysis Concludes

Editorial in Science Calls for Integrating Multiple Agencies to Better Combat Threats

Manatee resting at Three Sisters Springs (Crystal River NWR) while shading over a school of mangrove snappers.

February 15, 2023 , Program & Clinic featured in latest Harvard Law Bulletin

The latest edition of the Harvard Law Bulletin features a 10-page article about the work of the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program and the Animal Law & Policy Clinic

Chicken in a cage

February 15, 2023 , Egg Producers Open Their Minds To Opening Hen Cages

ALPP Visiting Fellow Dr. Michelle Sinclair's latest guest blog published by Faunalytics

“Fig. 1, Margaret S. Livingstone, Triggers for Mother Love, 119 PNAS (2022), CC BY-NC-ND.”