Amanda Hitt Visiting Fellow
Amanda Hitt is a Visiting Fellow with the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program. She has been a champion and visionary for protecting and empowering food system whistleblowers for over a decade, and prior to her fellowship with ALPP was the founder and director of the Food Integrity Campaign of the Government Accountability Project. Hitt’s clients have included USDA food safety inspectors in ultra-high-speed slaughterhouses, contract poultry farmers faced with exploitative contracts and company retaliation, and animal researchers privy to taxpayer-funded waste and cruelty. In addition to litigating whistleblowers’ cases, Hitt and her team work to draw public attention to these whistleblowers’ stories and to turn their revelations into food system and legal reforms. Hitt’s clients come from varied economic sectors and backgrounds – from factory workers to CEO’s. Through assisting her clients, Hitt has learned first-hand the importance of bringing diverse voices together to create meaningful change.