Carolina Maciel Visiting Fellow
1585 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA, 02138
Dr. Carolina Maciel is an international policy analyst specialized in the field of animal protection with over ten years of experience in researching, lecturing, consulting, and advocating on continuous improvement of the welfare of farm animals. Dr. Maciel started her fellowship with the Animal Law & Policy Program in April 2021 with the objective of analyzing the intersection of the animal welfare standards elaborated by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) with the agreements governing the multilateral trading systems. Prior to joining ALPP, Dr. Maciel served, for about five years as Brazil’s Country Director for Humane Society International––a period in which she coordinated efforts that led to important achievements in the defense of animals kept for food production and laboratory tests. Her academic background encompasses a Ph.D. in International Policy and Law from the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands) and a master’s degree in Political Sociology from the University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). She is a registered attorney at the Brazilian Bar Association and a member of the Animal Welfare Research Network coordinated by the Bristol University.
Some of Dr. Maciel publication are:
- [in Portuguese – The legal requirements for the protection of animal welfare and its application to pig farming]. Maciel and Buss (2020) In Ribas et al (eds) Suinocultura: uma só saúde e um só bem-estar. Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) e do Instituto Interamericano de Cooperação para a Agricultura (IICA).
- Animal welfare measures and the WTO post- EC Seal Products case: a renewed debate and research agenda. Maciel and Bock (2020) In Bouda et al (eds). Economics of farm animal welfare: theory, evidence and policy. Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI). Available at: https://www.cabi.org/bookshop/book/9781786392312/
- [in Portuguese – Legal protection system for farm animals in Brazil]. Maciel (2019). In Hartung et al (eds). O bem-estar animal no Brasil e na Alemanha. Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Brasil-Alemanha. Available at: http://www.grupoetco.org.br/
- [in Spanish – Advances and limits of European initiatives to regulate animal welfare]. Maciel and Stuardo (2015) In Soria and Prieto (eds.) Alimentación, creencias y diversidad cultural. León, Spain.
- Ethical concerns beyond the border: how European animal welfare policies reach Brazil? Maciel and Bock (2013) In: Röcklinsber and Sandin (eds.) The ethics of consumption. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Paving the way for farm animal welfare in international relations: an EU- Brazil case study. Maciel et al. (2015) Contemporary Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13569775.2015.1013291
- Modern politics in animal welfare? The changing character of European animal welfare governance and the role of private standards. Maciel and Bock (2013) International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture (IJSAF). Special Issue on Private Standards.vol 20. N.2, pp.2019-235.
- [in Portuguese – Animal protection in the national legal system: what the veterinarian should know]. Maciel (2018) Revista do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária. nº 76, pg. 21-25. Ano XXIV,Jan.