Gabriel Wildgen Law & Policy Fellow
1585 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
After graduating from Harvard Law School Gabriel secured a Law & Policy Fellowship with the Animal Law & Policy Program to focus on identifying strategic options for building long-term political power for the US farmed animal protection movement. He went on to work for the Good Food Institute and is now Director of Public Policy for the Humane League.
Prior to HLS, Gabriel was a campaign manager with Humane Society International’s Canadian office for over six years. His work at Humane Society International (HSI) included successfully lobbying at all levels of government in Canada to secure wildlife protection legislation, and collaborating with public institutions and major food service companies to reduce animal product consumption. In addition to a JD from Harvard Law School, Gabriel holds a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University.
Below you can see a selection of news related to Gabriel’s work with the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program and its Animal Law & Policy Clinic, in addition to media stories in which he has been mentioned or quoted.