Larry Carbone Visiting Fellow
1585 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Larry Carbone is a veterinarian with a lifetime career focus on welfare protections for animals in laboratories. He is a product of Cornell University, in evolutionary biology (BA), veterinary medicine (DVM) and history of science/veterinary ethics (MA; PhD). He is a diplomate in two veterinary specialties: the American College of Animal Welfare and the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. Transplanted from Ithaca to San Francisco, he was most recently the Director of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Program at the University of California San Francisco. Larry is a potter, hiker, Boston native.
How we treat animals depends on what (we think) we know about animals. Larry’s book What Animals Want: Expertise and Advocacy in Laboratory Animal Welfare Policy (2004; Oxford University Press) explored how competing claims about what animals think, feel and want underlie competing proposals for animal welfare standards. His fellowship project with the Harvard Animal Law and Policy Program covers advances an animal welfare science that could guide needed updates to laboratory animal policies and regulations.
Do “Prey Species” Hide Their Pain? Implications for Ethical Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, 2, 216-236. 2020
Pain and Laboratory Animals: Publication Practices for Better Data Reproducibility and Better Animal Welfare. PLoS One, 11, e0155001. 2016 (wiith Jamie Austin)
Ethical and IACUC Considerations Regarding Analgesia and Pain Management in Laboratory Rodents. Comp Med, 69, 443-450. 2020
Pain Management Standards in the Eighth Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci, 51, 1-5. 2012