Pamela Frasch Visiting Fellow
Pamela Frasch, Professor of Law and the Brooks McCormick, Jr. Scholar of Animal Law & Policy at Lewis & Clark Law School, has been a pioneer in the field of animal law for over 30 years. In 2008 Pamela founded the Center for Animal Law Studies (CALS) at Lewis & Clark, the first-ever academic center for animal law. At CALS, students have access to several degree offerings, more than 20 specialized courses in animal law, conferences and symposia, experiential options, and other opportunities in the field. Pamela has taught survey and advanced animal law courses since 1997 and held the initial Deanship in Animal Law (at Lewis & Clark) for 10 years (2009-2019). She developed and launched what continues to be the only LL.M. degree program specializing in Animal Law in the world.
Pamela is co-author of Animal Law, Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press, 6th edition 2019, 7th edition forthcoming in 2024)), Animal Law in a Nutshell (Thomson West, 3rd edition 2020), as well as numerous articles and book chapters on a broad array of animal law topics. Pamela’s current research interests include exploring the constitutional limits of using animals in the creation of art, and strategies for the integration of animal welfare principles into the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals.
Previously, Pamela served as the first-ever General Counsel for the Animal Legal Defense Fund. In this role, she was responsible for overseeing all three of the organization’s substantive programs, including Litigation, Education, and the Criminal Justice Program which she created in 1996. Pamela is a frequent speaker and guest lecturer in the US and abroad on animal law and protection issues. Among other honors, she is the inaugural recipient of the American Association of Law School’s “Excellence in Animal Law: Scholarship-Teaching-Service” award.