Steven White Farmed Animal Law & Policy Fellow
Steven White is a lecturer at Griffith Law School, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. He teaches and researches in the areas of animal law and property law. White is a graduate of Griffith Law School (LLB (First Class Hons)) and holds a BSc (Hons) from the University of Melbourne. Before joining the staff at Griffith Law School, White worked as a solicitor with the firm King & Wood Mallesons, as a judges’ associate on the Queensland Court of Appeal, and as an adviser to a federal senator.
White has published widely in the field of animal law, including edited collections and in leading Australian law reviews. His most recent book is a collection co-edited with Professor Deborah Cao, Animal Law and Welfare: International Perspectives (Springer International, 2016). White recently completed a PhD addressing standards and standard-setting for the protection of companion and farm animals in Queensland, Australia. He is currently writing a book focusing on national, transnational and international approaches to farm animal protection standards, under contract with Springer International. Steven White was a Visiting Fellow at the Animal Law & Policy Program in 2018.