Spring 2023 Term

  • March 22: Jan Dutkiewicz, “An Industry Like Any Other”
  • April 19: Anthony Gerrans, “

Fall 2022 Term

  • October 25: Kristen Stilt, “Halal Certified: Animals, Religion, Business, Politics, and the Race to Save the World through the Food We Eat.”
  • November 15: Danielle Diamond, “Transformative Rural Justice.”
  • “April 19: Tony Gerrans Does Climate Change Litigation Present Legal and Policy Opportunities to Challenge Intensive Animal Agriculture? A Review of Global Developments with Specific Attention to the South African Context”
  • Novemer 29: Polina Bochenkova, “The Impact of War on Animal Lives.”
  • December 13: Vanessa Gischkow-Garbini, “One Good Turn Deserves Another: The Necessary Dialogue between Animal Protection and Environmental Justice.”