Jonathan Lovvorn, Senior Vice President & Chief Counsel for Animal Protection Litigation, Humane Society of the United States, explores the intersectional threats of climate change on the economically disadvantaged, people of color, women, children, and animals; and the unique role animals play as both a cause of climate change emissions and some of its front-line victims.
Event Overview
HLS SALDF, Environmental Law Society, Food Law and Policy Clinic, and ALPP bring Jon Lovvorn to campus to discuss the intersection of climate change and animal and environmental law. He has recently published an article series on the same topic in the Georgetown Environmental Law Review.
Jonathan Lovvorn is the Humane Society’s Senior Vice President & Chief Counsel for Animal Protection Litigation. Prior to joining The Humane Society in 2005, he was an attorney with Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal in Washington, D.C. A nationally recognized expert in the field of animal law, Mr. Lovvorn has litigated extensively on behalf of animals and manages the nation’s largest animal protection litigation program, with dozens of attorneys prosecuting more than 40 cases in state and federal courts around the country. He has taught the popular course Wildlife Law at HLS the past two years, and has recently published the first installment of a multi-part piece in the Georgetown Environmental Law Review, Climate Change Beyond Environmentalism.