April 9: Christine Parker, “Challenging Intense Industrial Animal Farming: Is There a Potential for Holistic Labelling and Certification Standards to Address the Interconnectedness of Human, (Non-Human) Animal and Ecological Wellbeing?”
March 26: Helen Harwatt, “Opportunities for Re-Configuring Agricultural Land to Meet Climate Change.”
March 12: Paul Waldau, “Law and Other Animals—An Interdisciplinary Approach.”
February 26: Matthew Hayek, “Mitigating Climate Change through Plant-Based Dietary Shifts.”
February 19: Schuyler Marquez, “The Head and the Heart: Entangled Forms of Authority in the Question of Ethical Slaughter.”
Fall 2018 Term
December 12: Matthew Hayek, “Mapping Transformative and Realizable Food Futures.”
November 27: Kristen Stilt, “The Unfulfilled Potential of Halal.”
November 13: Jeff Sebo, “Effective Animal Advocacy.”
October 30: Saskia Stucki, “Elements of a Legal Theory of Animal Rights.”