Animal Law & Policy Program Faculty Director Kristen Stilt will join the latest panel of a colloquium series co-hosted by Martha Minow and Emily Broad Leib, which will will explore a range of legal considerations related to the U.S. response to COVID-19 and discuss future implications of the pandemic across several topics, including: destabilization of animal habitats, transmission of zoonotic disease, reflections on developments in the criminal justice system, among others.
Event Overview
COVID-19 and the Law: Law and Policy to Address Basic Needs and Marginalized Populations is a colloquium series that will be hosted throughout Fall 2020 to bring together members of the Harvard Law School community to explore and assess, through discussions with various HLS experts, the legal responses to COVID-19 across areas of law ranging from laws governing health and health care, including drug development, public health, contact tracing and privacy; regulation of labor, safety, finance and debt; immigration; protection of basic human needs such as housing and food; and the scope and limitations of governmental powers operating in a pandemic. The series takes a particular focus on U.S. law and an emphasis on the urgent needs of marginalized populations, low-income and unemployed Americans, and people of color. Webinars will occur weekly on Wednesdays from 12-1pm ET and be available for live participation to all members of the Harvard community. Videos of all sessions will also be recorded and posted to the following webpage, which also includes resources and a blog:
On November 18, our session on New Developments and Reflections will feature Jody Freeman, Archibald Cox Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Environmental and Energy Law Program; Kristen Stilt, Professor of Law, Faculty Director, Animal Law and Policy Program, and Faculty Director, Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World; and Dehlia Umunna, Clinical Professor of Law and Faculty Deputy Director, Criminal Justice Institute, with the discussion moderated by Martha Minow, 300th Anniversary University Professor, and Emily Broad Leib, Clinical Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Food Law and Policy Clinic.
The panel will explore a range of legal considerations related to the U.S. response to COVID-19 and discuss future implications of the pandemic across several topics, including: destabilization of animal habitats, transmission of zoonotic disease, reflections on developments in the criminal justice system, among others.