March 31, 2023 Clinic Federal Judge Rules USDA Acted Unlawfully: Huge Win for Harvard Animal Law Clinic in Psychological Well-Being of Primates Case

This case against the USDA was the first lawsuit filed by Harvard’s Animal Law & Policy Clinic back in 2019. Over the last four years, several students have worked on the case alongside Clinic Director Katherine Meyer, and they are thrilled with the outcome.

March 30, 2023 Clinic USDA Acted Unlawfully In Denying Petition To Improve Lab Primates’ Treatment, Judge Rules

Judge Julie Rubin of the federal district court in Maryland issued the ruling that went in favor of Rise For Animals and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, who were behind the original petition, in a victory for Harvard Law School's Animal Law & Policy Clinic.

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March 28, 2023 Clinic USDA Must Revisit Decision Over Research Primates’ Care

A Maryland federal judge said the U.S. Department of Agriculture's justification to not consider upgrading its standards for the mental well-being of primates used in lab research "approaches absurd," pointing to its own internal documents about a "severely abridged" inspection program and apparently untrue public assertions.

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March 27, 2023 Clinic Point Reyes tule elk herds recover after die-off during drought

“Elk will continue to suffer and die as long as they are trapped in the fenced reserve, really a zoo,” said Jack Gescheidt, the Animal Law & Policy Clinic's lead plaintiff in the case.