Join ALPP Visiting Fellow Laura Fox for Vermont Law School's Animal Law Symposium.

Event Overview

Animal and environmental law frequently overlap, yet the fields are often siloed. Vermont Law School’s Animal Law Symposium will explore ways to bridge the two fields through case-study panels that examine specific areas where there is significant overlap and opportunities for collaboration.

Our reliance on animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change, and climate change in turn exacerbates myriad contingencies that disproportionately impact farmed animals, including disasters and zoonoses. Join Harvard Animal Law & Policy Program Visiting Fellow Laura Fox for the “Climate Contingencies and Farmed Animals: Building Resilience” panel, which will discuss legal advocacy efforts underway to address these issues, including litigation, regulatory, and legislative efforts.

Randall Abate, Rechnitz Family Endowed Chair in Marine and Environmental Law and Policy and Professor in the the Department of Political Science and Sociology at Monmouth University, Vermont Law School JD/MSEL’89
Hannah Connor, Senior Attorney for Environmental Health at the Center for Biological Diversity, Vermont Law School JD’07
Laura Fox, Visiting Fellow, Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School, Vermont Law School JD/MELP’13
Ingrid Seggerman, Senior Director of Federal Affairs at the ASPCA
Moderated by Becky Kimmel, Animal Law Society Co-Chair


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