June 12, 2024 Clinic Here’s why some want Mass. to end use of the most potent rat poisons
“What our petition argues is that poisoning raptors and coyotes and foxes and all of those animals who eat rodents, we believe that that is an unreasonable, adverse effect on the environment,” said Mathews, a former clinical instructor at the Animal Law and Policy Clinic who helped write the petition.

April 01, 2024 Clinic Ninth Circuit wades into battle over management of starving tule elk population
he plaintiffs' attorney Rebecca Garverman told the panel her clients are willing to enter into mediation on their claims, but the government is not. She said the law requires the park service to revise its policies when appropriate.

March 26, 2024 Clinic Livestock emissions must decline 61% by 2036, researchers claim
Global emissions from livestock must fall 61% by 2036 in order for the goals of the Paris Agreement to be met, a new study has claimed.