June 03, 2022Animal Law & Policy Clinic, Animal Law & Policy ProgramMuch to Celebrate
Celebrating our students and the work of the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program and its Animal Law & Policy Clinic.
Congratulations to the Class of 2022, including Eric Macomber who won this year’s Animal Law & Policy Program Writing Prize and Dana Horowitz who wrote an inspiring blog about her work with the Animal Law & Policy Clinic during her time at HLS. We also recently celebrated the Class of 2021 and 2020 who were finally able to celebrate in person at HLS (some are pictured with their parents and teachers above).
Our Clinic’s end of semester report covers several ongoing cases and a major project concerning the Florida Manatee, a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The Clinic bids a fond farewell to Kate Barnekow ’19, who has been an excellent Clinical Fellow, and will continue her work for animals at HSUS. Rebecca Garverman ’21, who did great work for the Clinic when she was a student, takes over the role of Clinical Fellow. We also seek a Clinical Instructor to work with Rebecca and our indomitable Clinic Director Katherine Meyer.
In addition, we celebrate the work of an amazing cohort of Visiting Fellows, including Garet Lahvis whose essay Free fall into darkness was published yesterday by Aeon and Michelle Sinclair whose latest original research article Opportunities for the Progression of Farm Animal Welfare in China was recently published by Frontiers in Animal Science.
As always, the work of our staff and fellows has generated considerable media coverage, including our Faculty Director Professor Kristen Stilt’s who was recently interviewed on The Why about why animals are gaining new legal rights. Our Executive Director Chris Green’s hometown media also wrote a wonderful piece about him receiving the American Bar Associations Excellence in Animal Law award. Chris’s acceptance speech is also available to watch on our YouTube channel.
We wish you all a happy, healthy summer and look forward to sharing more of our work on behalf of animals with you via our Year in Review in the fall.