Lectures & Panels INDEFENSIBLE: Adventures of a Farm Animal Protection Lawyer 12-1PM EST

Animal Law Week Book Talk with former ALPP Fellow Peter Brandt of the Humane Society of the United States and visual artist Sue Coe.

Lectures & Panels Ag-Gag in Canada and the Constitutional Right to See 12-1:30PM

This presentation, co-sponsored by Harvard's Animal Law & Policy Program, suggests that "ag-gag" laws constitute an unjustifiable limit on the right to freedom of expression as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Lectures & Panels Off-Animals, Creatures of an Exhausted Industrial Capitalism 12-1:30PM

Arching through and beyond Blanchette’s recent book, Porkopolis: American Animality, Standardized Life, and the Factory Farm (2020), this talk outlines an ethnography of these animals to offer new lines of sight onto the waning state of industrial labor and value in Canada and the United States today. 

Lectures & Panels Antibiotics in Agriculture: Preventing the Next Pandemic 6-7PM

The growth in intensive confinement of animals in agriculture has led to a resulting increase in the use of non-therapeutic antibiotics to prevent disease in such overcrowded conditions. Help us kick off Antibiotic Awareness Week by joining us for a panel event that will explore how research, collaboration, and policy can encourage better antibiotic stewardship in animal agriculture and human health care.