Lectures & Panels Fireside Chat with Dana Wagner of Impossible Foods 12-1PM

Impossible Foods Chief Legal Officer Dana Wagner in conversation with Animal Law & Policy Program Clinical Instructor Nicole Negowetti.

Lectures & Panels COVID-19 and the Law: Law and Policy to Address Basic Needs and Marginalized Populations 12-1PM

Animal Law & Policy Program Faculty Director Kristen Stilt will join the latest panel of a colloquium series co-hosted by Martha Minow and Emily Broad Leib, which will will explore a range of legal considerations related to the U.S. response to COVID-19 and discuss future implications of the pandemic across several topics, including: destabilization of animal habitats, transmission of zoonotic disease, reflections on developments in the criminal justice system, among others. 

Lectures & Panels Do We Need to Stop Eating Meat to Tackle Climate Change? 9AM

Helen Harwatt, Animal Law & Policy Program’s Food & Climate Policy Fellow, will be a panelist on Carbon Brief’s webinar: “Do We Need to Stop Eating Meat to Tackle Climate Change?”

Lectures & Panels Animal Rights and the Criminal Process 12-1PM

Prof. Justin Marceau and Prof. Hadar Aviram discuss animal rights and the criminal justice process.